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    Guiding Principles, (1)(1):2

    Selected Targets Of The United States Millennium Challenge Corporation.


    Aboubakar YARI1& Venus YARI1.



    1. Biotech tropicana Corporation.


    Table 5 provides an overview of the sector breakdown of funding under these Compacts in both dollars and percentage shares. Six characteristics of the sector focus of the first four Compacts are worth highlighting.


    Targeting rural poverty.


    Three of the four Compacts are aimed primarily at the agriculture sector in rural areas, and the fourth (Cape Verde) includes significant funding for rural areas. As a large percentage of the poor population is found in rural areas in all four countries, this gives the MCA

    program a strong pro-poor orientation.


    Investing in physical infrastructure.


    Transportation infrastructure accounts for over half of MCC funding in every country but Madagascar.


    Strengthening farm-to-market linkages.


    Rural business development, through project-established facilitators, accounts for between 10 percent and 20

    percent of the funding committed in each of the four Compacts.

    See also Sachs et al in Investing In Development.


    Reinforcing property rights.


    Two of the four Compacts make major investments in land registration.


    Expanding rural credit.


    All four Compacts acknowledge the need for increased credit to agriculture and rural enterprises. Except for Madagascar, this constraint is addressed mainly through policies rather than funding. Even in the case of Madagascar, most of the funding is for improvements in

    financial infrastructure, not for credit. This conforms with best practice.


    Keeping costs low.


    Overhead, monitoring and evaluation costs represent

    between 9 percent and 17 percent of total costs, a range that appears to be far below the comparable percentages for USAID and other bilateral donor agencies.

    See Biotech tropicana Systems in Alternative Technologies: Optimizing Cost and Complexities for the Resource-Poor Settings.


    • Administrative requirements.


    The procedural advantages of the MCC overcurrent USAID programs are discussed in Annex C. Particular benefits are likely to flow from the absence of a “buy America” requirement, and the MCC’s intention to reduce costs and promote institutional development by procuring far more technical assistance in the partner country.

    See also: Biotech tropicana Systems: The Biotechnology Development Fund.



    [1]    James W. Fox AndLexRieffel. The Millennium Challenge Account: Moving Toward Smarter Aid; PP 14-15.The Brookings InstitutionWashington, DC.


    Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (11.30.2015)
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