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    Biotech tropicana Journal Mini Business Plan
    Biotech tropicana Journal Mini Business Plan
    1. Introduction
    Biotech tropicana Journal (BTJ) is an investigative journalism "incubator” company, focusing on the journalism of science and technology, particularly alternative technologies adapted to the needs of the resource-poor settings. Investigative journalism was recommended as an essential component of development strategies for the developing world by the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) . http://www.mcc.gov/mcc/bm.doc/mcc-workingpaper-corruption.pdf 
    The U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation recognizes the importance of a free press to the economic and democratic development of a country. http://www.mcc.gov/mcc/bm.doc/factsheet-041009-pressfreedom.pdf 
    The Innovation, Science, and Technology program (IPS) of the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) recognizes the importance of science journalism to assist policy makers and to increase awarness of the general population on the importance of science and technology for development. http://www.idrc.ca/its/
    Relying on the recommendations of these megaprojects, Biotech tropicana Corporation lunched its investigative journalism project. The project is organized in three phases, phase_1 is a feasability study, phase_2 is experimental, and phase_3 aims to develop Biotech tropicana Journal as an independent scientific journalism company. The project is currently at phase_2.
    We used modeling and simulation methodology to simulate a fully operating independent investigative journalism company, in an hypothetical developing world setting, using US MCC guidelines for guidance. Our feasibility studies demonstrated that we lack both the necessary staff and resources to meet the US MCC threshold.
    The experimental phase_2 explores and implements venues to create conditions to meeting the US MCC threshold criteria. We reduce the scope of our objectives to science journalism promoted by the Canadian IDRC, particularly to the narrower scope of promotion of alternative biotechnologies adapted to the needs of the resource-poor settings. The narrower biotechnology journalism scope fits within the skills and resources available at Biotech tropicana Corporation, and is executable within the conditions set in the non executable phase_1 models. Our experimental publications are available in the Biotech tropicana Journal at www.btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/pub .
    Phase_3 will implement the findings of phase_2, by incorporating Biotech tropicana Journal, as an independent investigative journalism company, in a "real” developing world country.
    2. Products and Services
    Authorship, edition, and publication of science journalism articles.
    Articles are immediately published online upon acceptance.
    Magazines of 10 articles are published in printed versions.
    3. Marketing Strategies
    BTJ is currently at experimental stage. Experimental articles are available FREE OF CHARGE through the world wide web at www.btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/pub  . Upon closure of the experimental phase, abstracts and/or short summaries will be available online free of charge. Full text articles may be purchased online, or delivered to subscribers. Printed magazines may be purchased at recommended locations.
    4. How the Company Operates
    BTJ is an independent unit of the Biotech tropicana, Inc GROUP, a group of companies owned and operated by Biotech tropicana Corporation. BTI functions as in independent business unit, guided by regulations set by Biotech tropicana Corporation. The board of directors of BTJ reports to Biotech tropicana, Inc GROUP. Operations are funded by Biotech tropicana Corporation financial assets, International Development Agencies, and any additional legal journal funding mechanisms.
    5. Human Resources:
    Staff is recruited by the BTJ board of directors, and declared to Biotech tropicana, Inc GROUP. The recruitment is completed with the signing of a contract with Biotech tropicana Corporation. In addition to permanent staff, BTJ also works with a network of partners, collaborators, and short term contractors.
    6. Company Location
    BTJ is currently at exploration stage. Consistent with Biotech tropicana Corporation regulations, the experimental development project of BTJ is being conducted under Biotech tropicana, Inc EXPLORER, in Parakou, Benin. Consistent with its mission to promote awareness on the importance of technology as a support for development of the developing world settings, BTJ will be based in a developing world country. Additional offices may be opened in any country, on need basis.
    7. Other Issues
    Submitted manuscripts are subject to peer review. The chief editor reserves the right to publish an article without review. However, all articles must be published within established regulations and standards for science, technology, and journalism.
    The business plan is subject to amendments and modifications. Any amendment or modification must be consistent with the evolution in trends in the original megaprojects on which the project is aligned.
    1) Biotech tropicana JOURNAL at http://btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/ 
     2) Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP Laboratories at http://btielisablogs.inventorslab.co.za/  
    3) Biotech tropicana Tech Trials Home at http://btitechtrials.ucoz.com/  
    4) Biotech tropicana South African BLOGS at http://biotechtropicana.bloglines.co.za/ 
    1) www.pubmed.gov , keyword: yari aboubakar or yari venus
    2) Google scholar, keyword: yari aboubakar or yari venus
    Category: Biotech tropicana, IncGROUP | Added by: Biotechtropicana (03.26.2010)
    Views: 1487 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
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